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"Rudder Output Limit Reached" via iKON Event LogUpdated 2 years ago

This happens when the pilot requests a greater rotational speed out of the tail or cyclic than the model is mechanically or aerodynamically able to achieve. In other words, the servo has reached its maximum travel and the model is not rotating at the speed set in the iKON2 unit (degrees/sec).

Example: During a hard punch out or other extremely aggressive pitch change the iKON2 may already be sending the maximum command to the tail servo and the tail rotor pitch reaches the maximum possible pitch before binding but the tail might still not hold because there is no further travel available.

Therefore, before unnecessarily modifying the iKON2 parameters, check in the Flight Logs and/or in the events if the TailOut signal reaches its maximum and if “Rudder Output Limit reached” messages appear in the Events.

If many of these messages appear (more than two or three that can be normal) then it is necessary to intervene on the mechanics of the model. Here are some suggestions:


  1. Check that the tail servo limits are correctly adjusted.
  2. Increase the tail gear ratio if there is a tail pulley for your model supplied by the model manufacturer that increases the speed of rotation.
  3. Use longer tail blades (check before that longer tail blades can not go to touch the main rotor blades during the maximum flapping).
  4. If you fly at very low rpm of the main rotor (which is a very common fashion in recent times), a tail rotor with 2 blades may be insufficient and you may need to switch to a tail rotor with 3 blades.
  5. In Advanced => Setup => Tail, the maximum value of “Tail Rotation Speed” is too high for the model in the actual configuration. Simply reduce it.
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